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Targeted Therapies
Targeted Therapies – “Having a life-limiting disease, you tend to spend as much
Fresh Hope for Patients time as you can with your children and family – but you
still need to pay the bills, so you still need to go to work.
The decision by the Scottish Medicines “I’ve been very lucky in that I have supportive colleagues
Consortium (SMC) in February to accept a new and this has allowed me to change my working pattern,
targeted therapy drug, osimertinib, for use by which allows me to contribute to the business. I tend to
NHS patients north of the border was welcome work quite hard on those days I’m in, and do as much as
news. I did before!
Tom has been advised by his medical team that
Osimertinib has been available for suitable NHS lung eventually his present drug will no longer be effective at
cancer patients in England and Wales since October last holding back the advance of his lung cancer.
For patients like him who are EGFR positive and who
This means that hundreds of patients, who have a develop the T790 mutations, prior to the availability of
genetic mutation known as EGFR T790M-positive, and osimertinib, the next step after conventional treatments
for whom other drugs have failed, are now eligible for falter would be palliative care.
this new treatment. “When the present drug is no longer effective, I would
have a life expectancy of around eight months.Assuming
Osimertinib represents a breakthrough as it targets I have this particular mutation, I will be eligible for
non-small-cell lung cancer tumours among people who osimertinib, and that gives me hope. Prior to this
have this specific genetic mutation, which is a ‘marker’ decision by the SMC, I didn’t have that hope.
showing that they have stopped responding to previous When Tom says that the availability of osimertinib gives
treatments. him hope, you know he means it. He has good advice for
others who may find themselves in the same situation.
While osimertinib does not offer curative treatment, it “Patients really need to get involved in making decisions
can stop cancer from spreading, or, in some cases, even about their own treatment.To do that, they need the
shrink tumours.As it’s an oral treatment, taken as a kind of information and support offered by Roy Castle
tablet every day, it also allows people to carry on with Lung Cancer Foundation.When you know your options,
their daily lives. you can make better decisions. I did that, and I now have
another treatment available to meâ€.
Tom Simpson has been told that he may be a suitable
candidate for osimertinib as his disease progresses.
A director of Specsavers Opticians, he lives with his wife
and two children in Stonehaven,Aberdeenshire.
“ Having a life-limiting disease,
you tend to spend as much time as you
can with your children and family –
but you still need to pay the bills,
â€so you still need to go to work.
Diagnosed with stage 4 non-small-cell lung cancer
(NSCLC) in August 2014,Tom currently receives another
form of biological or targeted therapy, which has worked
so well that he has even been able to return to work.
“The type of medication I’m on at present doesn’t affect
my energy levels in the way that chemotherapy can for
some people.
12 Inspire 2017