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Behind the Stethoscope
Lung Cancer Nurse Specialists play a vital role in the delivery of high quality care and
treatment to patients with lung cancer.They are in an ideal position to support patients
with lung cancer,ensuring that all their care needs are addressed from referral to diagnosis,
through treatment and survivorship, and, if need be, end of life care.
Adele Murray is part of a specialist lung cancer
nursing team based in Tayside.
The team, which also includes fellow lung cancer
nurse specialist Gillian Watson, team leader Susan
Smyth and service co-ordinator Laura Shepherd,
provides care across Dundee, Perth,Angus and
parts of north Fife.
This Fantastic Foursome also runs a regular lung (L-R) Gillian,Adele, Laura & Suan
cancer patient support group in association with
Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, one of 52 we
help to organise across the UK.
What happens at the lung cancer What does your day-to-day role
support groups? involve?
“The topics are varied and range from nutrition to “We meet patients at respiratory clinics, support them
radiology and occupational therapy.A consultant came through the diagnostics process and any subsequent
along to one of our recent meetings to update us on treatment or therapy they may need.
the new developments revealed at the latest BTOG
(British Thoracic Oncology Group) conference. “Every patient is given our contact details and they each
know they can get in touch with us about any concerns
“It really helps people to be in a room with others who they may have.â€
are in a similar position to themselves.We often match
people together whom we think might benefit from What are the biggest challenges and
meeting each other.†rewards in your role?
How important is the charity in your “Working so closely with patients and their families, you
work? regularly form a close bond and it can be difficult
watching them go through such a trying time.
“Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation is central to
almost everything we do.The patient information “However, every day you touch somebody’s life and
literature produced by the charity is excellent.We use hopefully make a small but positive difference.That’s
it on a daily basis to advise and inform patients.We also such a rewarding feeling and it makes your efforts
work together to organise a monthly lung cancer incredibly worthwhile.â€
support group for around 30 patients in Dundee.â€
14 Inspire 2017