Page 19 - Inspire_SpringSummer_DigitalEdition
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Lung Cancer Research

Our researchers are making
a diagnosis breakthrough –

Thanks to YOU.

We may have struck oil! One of the most important
things our charity does is to fund vital scientific
research into lung cancer. Every year we allocate
around £1 million – often more – to projects carried
out by research teams across the UK.

Often, these will investigate ideas that may not yield
immediate benefits but which add to the knowledge we
                                                             very exciting. In fact, it could be like striking oil!
need in our long fight to beat lung cancer. One project
that may lead to a much-needed breakthrough is a pilot
                                                             “The statistical significance of such a small sample study is
study led by Dr Lakis Liloglou at the University of          not very great.There’s always the chance of error, so we
                                                                  are now applying for a grant for a full study with a
Liverpool.                        “ If we could
Early detection of lung cancer    accurately identify much larger sample group.”
saves lives, but detecting it is  exosomes particular
often difficult. It would be a       to lung cancer,         If the larger study goes well, the next part of the
huge help to have a simple        we might use them          process would be a proper clinical trial.
but accurate blood test which
                                                               “We now have to refine the markers in a clinically
”could confirm the presence of                                 acceptable way.What we have done so far is a
                                                             discovery, now we are working towards a clinical tool.”
lung cancer. Finding such a
blood bio-marker is the aim                                  Such progress is down to our brilliant researchers –
of researchers right across the
                                      to recognise the
                                        disease at an

                                  globe. early stage.

It’s a tough challenge – but Lakis and his team have made    and to you. So how do we raise the money?

a significant advance. Cells within our bodies produce       We don’t – YOU do.You, our amazing supporters, with
tiny gas ‘bubbles’ called exosomes, and these help one
                                                             your coffee mornings and dinner dances, your bike rides
cell to communicate with another. If we could accurately
                                                             and road races, your marathons and sponsored walks –
identify exosomes particular to lung cancer, we might        you all contribute.

use them to recognise the disease at an early stage.

Lakis takes up the story:“Specific exosomes relate to        This year, we have passed an amazing milestone.Through
specific diseases. So, in our study, we looked at blood      your generosity we have raised over £1 million from our
samples from 50 people with lung cancer and a ‘control       Tribute Fund programme, which helps people through
group’ of 50 people who smoke, matched closely by            their bereavement and grieving process.
gender and age.
                                                             The majority of such donations come to us via the
“We isolated the exosomes, and then from these, we           ‘Muchloved’ online system, where relatives and friends
isolated the RNA – tiny chains of nucleic acids. Using       can choose ways to remember their loved ones.We are
special techniques, we can read these chains, and we         proud to be one of just a handful of national charities to
found quite a few differences between the samples from       have been entrusted with so much.You can be quite sure
the lung cancer patients and the control group.              that this £1million will be put to good use! Just ask Lakis
                                                             and his team.
“We found four RNA sequences in particular that seem
to model for lung cancer very well. So you can use these,    Visit our website where you
identified within the plasma, or liquid part, of the blood,  can learn more about our research projects and
to say who has lung cancer and who has not. So far it’s      how to make a donation to help support them.

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