Page 3 - Inspire_SpringSummer_DigitalEdition
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Dear all, Within this edition, you’ll hear from suitable patient for osimertinib – a
two incredible people – Gaynor targeted therapy now made available
Welcome to the Spring/ (page 16) and Terry (page 6) – both on the NHS for treating locally
Summer 2017 edition of of whom had their lung cancer advanced or metastatic EGFR
Inspire. caught early, were suitable for T790M mutation-positive non-small-
surgery and had the tumours suc- cell lung cancer.
2017 is a particularly important cessfully removed.
year for us; this is the year we Prior to the availability of
launch our Lung Health MOT “ Lung cancer screening osimertinib, the next step after
Check (page 4). saves lives. Early conventional treatments for Tom,
detection saves lives. and many patients in a similar
One of the primary reasons why It saved Gaynor’s life. situation, would be palliative care.
lung cancer survival rates are not in It saved Terry’s. He now has another option and
line with many other cancers is Without it, they were with it, a great deal more hope.
because the majority of cases are both given just months
diagnosed too late. â€to live. Now we need to For more information about
save more lives. targeted therapies and all other
This is no one’s fault; lung cancer is treatment options, please visit our
difficult to detect, with symptoms Our Lung Health MOT Check is website or call
often only surfacing once the cancer not the only project we’re funding our nurse-led helpline free on
is at an advanced stage.This means this year.We know that we can only 0800 358 7200.
we have to find ways to detect lung beat this disease by increasing our
cancer earlier. And that is what knowledge – of how it works, how We can do all this because of you.
we’re doing… it spreads, and how we can treat it. Thank you never quite covers it
– but we DO thank you, from the
Working with Nottingham City That’s why we back vital research bottom of our hearts, because,
Clinical Commissioning Group projects (page 19).That’s why with your help, one day, we WILL
(CCG) and local MP, Graham Allen, we choose to support the kind of beat this disease.
we are funding a Lung Health projects other funding bodies tend
MOT CheckThe aim of the project to avoid: the ones that ask tough, Paula Chadwick
is to identify potential lung cancer awkward, fundamental questions. Chief Executive
patients before any symptoms The ones that might not necessarily
appear. spark an immediate breakthrough –
but which will add little bits, piece
Part of the money we raised last by piece, to the sum total of
year has paid for the initial stage of knowledge scientists need to tackle
the project, which launched in lung cancer.
There have also been breakthroughs
This is money from you – from in new treatments available to lung
sponsorship you collected, from cancer patients including
direct debits you’ve set up, from immunotherapies and targeted
bake sales, race nights, garden therapies.
parties and all the other imaginative
ways you support our charity. Inspire spoke to patient Tom
Simpson (page 12) who may be a
Spring/Summer 3