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Lucy Zirbser:The First Step
Lucy Zirbser:The First Step
Every year, 44,000* people are diagnosed with lung cancer - a fact we need to make
much more widely known. This year, we have decided to run one mile for every person
diagnosed - that’s 44,000 miles. Many say this can’t be done. We think differently,
as we know just how amazing our supporters really are - plus, we have Lucy Zirbser!
Inspire could not think of a better person to ask to take the first step of our 44,000 Challenge.
Here’s her story.
Lucy has run 63 marathons including the Mount Everest marathon “The diagnosis left me shaken but,
in just 10 years – that’s one
about every two months. in 2011 and marathons in France where after the initial wobble, I knew
In 2015 she was diagnosed they give you wine at the aid stations! I wanted to continue running. I
with lung cancer but it
hasn’t stopped her doing spoke to a dietitian and made some
what she loves. Last year, “I’ve run 50-mile races and 125km subtle changes to my diet and skincare.
she completed 12 marathons
and has run two more so far in the Canadian Rockies where my I have come to appreciate
this year. Inspire managed
to catch up with her before head torch died at 3am. I was in the doing something I love is good
her ninth London Marathon. woods with no one else around and for my body, mind and, ultimately,
I was convinced a grizzly bear was my wellbeing.
“I’m 36 years old. I live in Aldershot going to eat me – excellent motivation
in Hampshire with my lovely husband, to keep moving! I’m hoping to “Having goals and training for them
Mark, our two dogs, Maple and join the 100-marathon club by my is even more important to me now
Pretzel, and a house rabbit, Jefferson 40th birthday. as a cancer patient than it was before
Bunny. Like many people, I started
running by taking part in a Race for I was diagnosed. I
Life back in 2002. I didn’t particularly completed twelve
enjoy running and it wasn’t until 2005 “In 2015 I was training I have come marathons last year
that I actually caught the running bug. for the Centurion Grand to appreciate and have done two this
Slam – four 100-mile doing something year so far, including
“My friend was running the London races throughout the I love is good for
Marathon and wanted someone to year – but was having my body, mind the Dopey Challenge in
keep her company on long training some trouble with my and, ultimately, Walt Disney World
runs. At the time I was spending lots shoulder. I was seeing my wellbeing. Florida where you run
of time at the gym but wasn’t running. a physio but with little a 5k,10k,half marathon
When I did start running, it left me success so was referred and then a marathon in
with a huge sense of achievement to a specialist.
that I didn’t get from working out in the parks over four
the gym. I managed to get a place in consecutive days.
the marathon and loved it - although
I vowed I’d never do it again. I lied! “An MRI and CT scan showed “There are still days which are better
I well and truly got the marathon bug. I had tumours in my left lung and on than others, but generally life is good.
2016 will be my ninth London my right scapular. It was a massive My team of doctors, as well as my
Marathon and my 63rd marathon/ultra shock. Like many people, I thought husband, family and friends, have been
marathon. I’ve been lucky enough to lung cancer was an old smoker’s wonderful throughout the diagnosis
take part in all kinds of running events disease and not something I needed to and treatment. One friend even got
worry about. I now know differently. all the girls at her hairdressing salon
A CT guided biopsy showed that to complete an army-style obstacle
my cancer is a particular mutation course and my husband is planning to
for which a targeted therapy has do a ridiculously hard five-day race
been developed. I’ve been on that in the Welsh mountains next year
treatment for 14 months now. to raise money for Roy Castle Lung
Initially I had a rash on my face that Cancer Foundation.
looked like I’d shoved my face into a bowl
of rice pudding and had to plan outings, *based on 2012 figures
particularly runs, around loo stops.
16 Inspire 2016