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Lucy Zirbser:The First Step

“Running helps me relax
and unwind. It helps me to
feel like I’m healthy, looking
after myself and gives me
some sense of control over
my body.”

“I had not done much training for the
London Marathon this year so I was
not sure what to expect. London used
to be the race I ran looking to achieve
a time target. For the last few years
my target was to run 3:15. I ran 3.16
three times but never under. For the
2015 marathon I had qualified to run
with the Championship Ladies who
start behind the Elite Men so you’re
generally expected to run 3:15 or faster.

“I felt like a bit of a fraud lining up with
these athletes knowing I had stage IV
cancer and wasn’t going to run that fast
but I couldn’t change my start time and,
with all the sponsorship I’d received,
nothing was going to stop me getting
round. This year though, I’m happy to
relax, soak up the atmosphere and
just get round with a smile on my face.

“The crowds are always fabulous
and you meet lots of different people
all taking on the 26.2-mile course for
their own special reasons. No one
else remembers your time anyway!”

Lucy ran this year’s London Marathon for Roy
Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, completing
the 26.2-mile course in 3:38:13.

      We’ll certainly remember
          your time Lucy - an

      unbelievable achievement!

       We congratulate you and
        everyone who will help
        us complete the 44,000

          Challenge this year.

   Turn over to find out more

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