Page 18 - 2016_InspireMagazine_FINAL.indd
P. 18

44,000 Challenge

44,000                    44,000 DIAGNOSED*
                          44,000 MILES

We’re running one mile for every person diagnosed with lung cancer and we need your help.

How to get involved:

              1                          2                               3
 Pick an organised run       OR design your own               Complete your run
(   running route in the area          and upload the miles
and set up a fundraising  that you live and record             and a selfie to our
                          the number of miles that             page so that your
   page to share your                                        miles count towards
 challenge with friends               you run.                 our running total!

         and family!       (there are a number of apps that
                                   can do this for you)

                          MILES SO FAR...



                                                           *based on 2012 figures

18 Inspire 2016
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