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       of Health                                    If the fi rst thing
                                                    Change your

                                                     you do in the
                                                   morning is have a
                                                     cuppa and a
                                                    cigarette, try to
                                                     change your
      Whilst not the only cause of lung             routine and have           Peter B.
      cancer,  smoking signifi cantly                juice or water
      increases your risk of getting the              instead of      “I guess I started smoking like many
                                                     tea or coffee.
      disease and the sooner you can quit          Eat your breakfast   people do – peer pressure. I was 17 and
      the better.                                     fi rst or do    just met a new group of friends.
                                                      some light
      Yet even with the knowledge of the               exercise.      Ironically though, I was one of the few of
      health risks, quitting smoking is not         Drink plenty:     them who began smoking regularly. They
      easy and many people need some                 Sip plenty of    would often take a cigarette off me on
      form of help – from nicotine                   water or juice   nights out as I had to have them in my
      substitutes to peer support.                     the day.       pocket.
                                                    Orange juice is
      Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation             good, as smoking   It wasn’t until 20 years later that I
                                                     depletes your
      has successfully helped over 50,000           Vitamin C levels.  wanted to quit after seeing my dad
      people quit smoking. One of the                                 struggle to walk ten paces at 66.
      ways we do this is through our                Avoid smoking
      online stop-smoking community,                Encourage family   My last cigarette was on 5th January
      Quit Support.                                 or friends who    2017. I had help from the NHS and,
                                                      smoke to
                                                     quit with you.   importantly, from Quit Support. They are
      Offering help and support to those                              a group of people who have either been
      looking to cut down or stop for                 Remind          or are going through the same thing as
      good, the forum provides hints, tips           why you are      you.
      and advice as well as allowing                  quitting.
      members to chat with others who                                 I wrote my reasons for quitting, asked
      are going through it too. People like        Think about the    stupid questions and described my
                                                   health benefi ts:
      Peter B, Debra and Peter L who                  Within 20       feelings. I got to read the thoughts of
      kindly spoke to Inspire to share their          minutes of      others and offer my advice.
                                                     stopping, your
      experiences and advice for anyone             blood pressure
      who is trying to quit:                        and pulse return   There were ‘people’ in the posts I read.
                                                      to normal.      It is a community which you can lean on
                                                    After 48 hours,
                                                     your body is     when you need support, knowing there is
                                                      becoming        no judgement.
                                                    free of nicotine
                                                   and your sense of
                                                    taste and smell   My father died in August 2017. It was
                                                     is improving.    obviously a very hard time but I wasn’t
                                                                      tempted to smoke.
                                                   Think about the
                                                  fi nancial benefi ts:
                                                     If you smoked    Life is better now in many ways and I
                                                    20 cigarettes a   expect it to continue longer, happier and
                                                       day and
                                                     then stopped,    healthier than it would have been if I
                                                      you’d save      hadn’t quit.”
                                                     £300 a month.
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